
It is important to follow these instructions before IV conscious sedation or general anesthesia to ensure a successful and safe surgical procedure. By following these simple steps, you can help your oral surgeon provide the best possible care.

1. Ask Questions and Be Informed

If you have any questions about your surgical procedure or if you have a medical condition we need to know about, be sure to speak with your oral surgeon as soon as possible. They will be able to provide you with the guidance and support you need to have a safe and successful procedure.

2. How and When to Fast

Avoid eating or drinking anything for at least 8 hours before surgery is scheduled to begin; including water and other liquids. This reduces your risk of nausea and vomiting and developing a rare but serious complication of aspiration during anesthesia. If allowed by your surgeon, you can drink a small sip of water if you need to take pre-medication during your fast.

3. Medications and Supplements

You may continue taking your prescription medication until the day of surgery, unless otherwise directed, by taking them with a small sip of water on the day of surgery. Taking medications for diabetes, blood thinners, bone density drugs or any other medications should be discussed with your oral surgeon on the day of consultation. Patients taking blood thinners may need to stop several days before the procedure as directed by your medical doctor. Diabetic medications may need to be adjusted due to the fasting requirements before general anesthesia is administered. Let your surgeon know about over the counter supplements you may take.

4. Tobacco and Cannabis

If you are a smoker, it is essential to stop at least 12 hours before the procedure and at least 24 hours after. Smoking can increase the risk of complications during and after surgery. Do not use marijuana for at least 24 hours before your surgery. Doing so can increase the risk of complications and could result in your surgery being canceled.

5. Clothing and Jewelry

Be sure to wear loose-fitting clothing to your appointment. Avoid wearing bulky sweaters or clothing with sleeves. You will need to remove any jewelry or other items that may get in the way during the procedure, so it is best to leave these at home. Contact lenses will have to be removed before surgery. You should not wear any makeup, lipstick, or nail polish on the day of surgery. However, you can bring lip balm for your lips as they may be chapped after the surgery.

6. Arrive Early

Be sure to arrive at least 30 minutes before your appointment on the day of surgery. This will allow you time to check-in, fill out any necessary paperwork and ensure that the procedure can begin on time. Not being rushed will help you to relax before being sedated.

7. Arrange a Designated Ride

If you are having IV sedation for your oral surgery, you must have a designated ride home after the procedure. You may experience some drowsiness or other side effects from the anesthesia and will need assistance getting home safely. Anesthesia may impair your judgment, making it dangerous to drive a vehicle. You should not drive a car or operate machinery for at least 48 hours after anesthesia.

8. Know When to Cancel

If you are feeling unwell or have a fever leading up to your appointment, contact your oral surgeon as soon as possible. This will ensure that the procedure is rescheduled for a time when you are feeling better and able to receive anesthesia safely.

Following these simple steps before your general anesthesia or IV sedation appointment can help ensure that you have a safe and successful dental surgery. If you have any questions or concerns, contact AZ Oral Surgery at (480) 830-5866.