Did you recently have oral surgery?

What to Expect after Dental Implant Surgery

Dental implant surgery is a major oral surgery that will take time to heal. It is essential to follow the post-surgery instructions your surgeon provides so that you heal well and avoid any post-op complications. Knowing what to expect is essential to your speedy recovery.

After Exposure Of An Impacted Tooth

An impacted tooth is a tooth that has become displaced and cannot erupt normally into the mouth. Impacted teeth can cause a lot of pain and discomfort, and they may require special procedures to be properly exposed and cared for. If you have recently had an impacted tooth exposed, it is important to follow specific post-operative care guidelines to minimize complications and promote healing.

After Tooth Extraction

Tooth extraction is commonly recommended if a tooth has been severely damaged by decaytrauma, or infection. Another common reason that oral surgeons perform tooth extractions is to prepare for orthodontics. Whether you are undergoing traditional braces or an Invisalign treatment, removing teeth can often be necessary to correct crowding.

After Multiple Tooth Extraction Care

The big difference between single tooth and multiple teeth extraction is that multiple tooth extractions are more complicated than a single extraction. Multiple teeth extractions may be necessary for a variety of reasons, including advanced gum disease or decay, severe overcrowding, or damage to adjacent teeth.

What To Do After Wisdom Teeth Removal

Wisdom tooth removal is a very common surgical procedure to relieve pain and discomfort or prevent problems caused by impacted wisdom teeth. While the recovery period after wisdom tooth removal varies from person to person, there are some general things you can do after your surgery to care for your mouth and promote healing.

8 Things You Need To Do Before Anesthesia

It is important to follow these instructions before IV conscious sedation or general anesthesia to ensure a successful and safe surgical procedure. By following these simple steps, you can help your oral surgeon provide the best possible care.